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Our Ragdolls

All our breeding ragdolls are registered with the GCCF under active registration. They have been health screened and genetically tested through Langford Vets and do not carry Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), these are potentially fatal conditions which can be passed down to offspring, therefore all our kittens will be free from any of these conditions which have been known to ragdolls.

Our Active King

Benjamin True Joy

Benjamin True Joy

GCCF Active Registered - Blue bicolour RAG a 03

Meet Benjamin who is our very handsome active GCCF registered King. Benjamin is incredibly affectionate and loves cuddles and just flops as soon as he is picked up and melts into your arms with a gentle purr. He is a large ragdoll and a gentle giant, calm in nature who has sired the most amazing kittens whom exhibit his traits. He is just the all time lap cat! Benjamin is from imported European lines, from both Polish and Czech Republic Ragdoll Lines.

He is a an absolutely stunning example of the ragdoll breed and we are proud to have him as part of our family. Benjamin has additional grand champion and imperial champion within his lines.

Our Active Queens

Aristodoll Lady Antoinette (Annie)

Aristodoll Lady Antoinette 'Annie'

GCCF Active Registered - Seal point mitted female Ragdoll – RAG n 04


Meet our gorgeous Queen Annie, she is our little sweet heart, and has been bred by us, she is seal point mitted ragdoll. Our beautiful Annie is full of love and affection has such a funny and yet playful side being full of character. Not only does she love to cuddle and snuggle up and enjoys to be close to us, she adores playing catch with a hair band! Annie has several grand champions and Imperial Grand Champions within her lines with her Father being titled Grand Champion.

Aristodoll Violet

Aristodoll Violet

GCCF Active Registered- Blue tortie bicolour female Ragdoll -  RAG g 03 21

Meet our gorgeous Queen Violet who blue tortie bicolour ragdoll, she is a large and beautiful example of the ragdoll breed and has been bred by us. Violet is one of the sweetest kind and loving cats we've ever owned. She likes likes to be by our side, she always likes to know what's going on and never wants to miss out on anything. She is so affectionate and the most incredible lap cat. Violets Father is a Grand Champion as well as additional grand champions and imperial grand champions from her lines.

Aristodoll Fauna

Aristodoll Fauna

GCCF Active Registered  - Seal tortie bicolour female Ragdoll - RAG f 03

Meet our absolutely stunning Fauna, our seal tortie bicolour Queen, she is a beautiful example of the ragdoll breed and has been bred by us. Fauna is calm, affectionate and extremely relaxed. She loves lots of cuddles and strokes and will come to us for affection. Faunas Father is a Grand Champion as well as additional grand champions and imperial grand champions from her lines.

Aristodoll Athena

Atistodoll Athena

GCCF Active Registered  - Seal tortie tabby point mitted female Ragdoll - RAG f 04 21

Meet our sweet Athena who seal tortie tabby point mitted Queen, she is a beautiful example of the ragdoll breed and has been bred by us. Athena is so caring and loving and has the most affectionate side, she is also very playful and full of character. Athenas Father is a Grand Champion as well as additional grand champions and imperial grand champions from her lines.

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